Where It’s Beautiful When It Rains

Where It’s Beautiful When It Rains, directed by Harley Chamandy, shows us that our dreams can come true with a lot of hard work.

As our hero, Benjamin Pajak absolutely shines as our young entrepreneur. His earnestness will make you grab your wallet.Likewise, Chamandy’s story simply oozes sweetness when our protagonist meets an elderly performer who might help make his dreams come true.
— From Film Threat, Alan Ng
Christopher (Benjamin Pajak) is a fascinating protagonist....
The final scene of Where It’s Beautiful When It Rains is a display of Pajak’s talents and the film’s final recourse to the past in search of answers.
— Indie Shorts Mag
A major part of the film’s charm is due to the astounding performance at its center. At only ten years old, the effortlessly affable Benjamin Pajak absolutely electrifies as Christopher. The young performer is such an immense talent that Chamandy wrote this short on the fly specifically for him, and it was swiftly put into action so it could be filmed before Pajak began an eight-month stint on Broadway alongside Hugh Jackman in The Music Man. The film showcases Pajak’s range as a performer and all of his theatrical talents as well; he sings, he dances, and he absolutely captures your heart while he steals the show.
— Viddy Well